Sunday, July 14, 2013

World War Z (2013)

This is an apocalyptic type of movie, and its a mixture between the TV series The Walking Dead and Contagion. An outbreak of some sort of disease happens all around the world, and a former UN employee gets recruited to track down the origin of this virus or bacteria stain. Once you are bitten, you change in 11 seconds.

It is discovered that a certain vaccine once administered makes you virtually undetectable to the zombies. It makes you wonder with all these movies and TV shows now days that involve either zombies, vampires or alien invasions, if people really think this is likely or it' s just a fad in the entertainment industry.

If you like zombie movies or apocalyptic movies I recommend it. I give this movie a 5 out of 5.

Starring Brad Pitt (Inglorious Bastards, Fight Club) as Gerry Lane, Mireille Enos (The Killing, Gangster Squad) as Karin Lane, Daniella Kertesz (AfterDeath, Adumot) as Segen, James Badge Dale (The Departed, Iron Man 3) as Captain Speke and Fana Mokoena (Hotel Rwanda, Safe House) as Thierry Umutoni.

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